American Baseball World Series
(too old to reply)
2023-10-25 21:08:21 UTC
Hmmm. Two wild card teams in the World Series.

Odds of that were up slightly this year with 4 slots per league, but
the the two Number 1 seeds managed only 1 win combined.

The Rangers were not on a hot streak at the end of the season, but seem
to have regained their stride.

/dps "Of course it's the World! Count the Dominican and Japanese
Who, me? And what lacuna?
2023-11-02 10:42:18 UTC
Post by Snidely
Hmmm. Two wild card teams in the World Series.
Odds of that were up slightly this year with 4 slots per league, but the the
two Number 1 seeds managed only 1 win combined.
The Rangers were not on a hot streak at the end of the season, but seem to
have regained their stride.
/dps "Of course it's the World! Count the Dominican and Japanese players"
Damn! For the first two games, things looked good for a close-matched
series, but the Rangers ended up with a 4-1 record and seriously
outscoring the Diamondbacks.

Yes, I have had a cucumber soda. Why do you ask?