On Sat, 3 Feb 2024 14:45:00 -0800 (PST), Beaver Fever
Post by Beaver FeverPost by Les AlbertOn Thu, 1 Feb 2024 17:41:30 -0800 (PST), Beaver Fever
Post by Beaver FeverPost by Les AlbertOn Tue, 30 Jan 2024 19:42:16 -0800 (PST), Beaver Fever
Post by Beaver FeverOh fuck, I'm 50!
Didn't see that coming.
Anything I should know? Anything I should be doing?
Prepare a will.
I wanted to a few years ago and asked my (now former) roommate to be the executor.
He said no. He is so fucking lazy which is why his living situation was downgraded from
half apartment to couch. But I am sure he wouldn't want my relatives here digging thru my stuff.
Wanna do one and just make my girlfriend the executor whether she likes it or not.
As it is I made her a beneficiary of one of my accounts so if I were to die anytime soon it would
create quite a windfall for her. Definitely not telling her though lest she decides to push forward
the date of the unfortunate event.
I am sure the ravages of medical neglect will be catching up to me sooner than later.
Even with proper medical attention things can suddenly go south. One
"The world is a peculiar place. Tottery old ladies, people you
wouldn't trust to navigate a grocery cart, are heading two-ton cars in
your direction at speeds of seventy miles per hour. Our lives depend
on strangers. So much lacks logic or a proper sequence." - from
"Morgan's Passing" - Anne Tyler.
Or as I like to point out , for Carl Wilson the end (of his touring career) came
in the middle of a 5 show run so it can come quick.
The medical neglect is more a reference to the fact that I still don't have health
insurance or been to the doctor since I was 18. I thought 50 was colonoscopy time
but apparently it's 45. I already have an enlarged prostate in addition to other hopefully
minor stuff I have been ignoring for years. I thought maybe I should do something about
it in spite of the fact I haven't worked in years and don't really want to watch my savings
fly out the door even faster. It's bad enough my cost of living basically tripled between 2020
and now. And I just missed open enrollment.
I could get a job (with few skills and almost no interpersonal ability
but going to work to stay alive so I can keep going to work really doesn't appeal to me.
However something strange happened in the last few years. Seems like along with my
sex drive, my constant angst and suicidal ideation also faded. It's almost like the two were related.
But I wanna stay alive so I can read and listen to music and pet my cat, not just suck down oxygen while toiling away.
I did want to theoretically donate my body to Glendale Community College
where I sputtered through a few semesters of "fun" electives as I figured in death
I could have some sort of value to someone but never really looked into the process.
have your health concerns checked out. But if you are thinking of
donating it to a body farm. Most people don't even know that kind of
that have been around for a long time. They perform valuiable
forensic work and other research on how dead bodies decompose.